

The Seven Year Ritz!

7 years! Married! That's a long time! Especially when I'm told I look young. Then I squint in the mirror and see age spots, and laugh lines, and a booty that needs a lil' pick-me-up and suddenly seven years is a wink!

Every year on April 18th, or around that time {we aren't married to that day} it's a no-brainer where we'll celebrate... the beach. It's just us! We are beach people. First anniversary~ La Jolla. Second~ Dana Point. Third~ Avila Beach... you get the point. But apparently this is the crucial year. Year seven! The make or break! Du du duuuu! But honestly, we conquered that year at marker 3, when we moved, took new jobs, bought a house, and I quickly learned that I don't paint walls the proper way! What's wrong with painting the bottom half of the wall and moving on to the next room? And yes, Bry, we need to repaint in perhaps slightly a lighter shade of blue, because now that I'm looking at in broad daylight, it is a bit of a Smurfy blue... nonetheless, we survived year three, and I'm determined to make year seven the best yet! And why?

Because he knows my "looks" and impersonates my voices perfectly.
Bryan, in a mockingly high voice: "Oh my gosh, this dessert is just life-changing!
Me: Eyes narrowed, glaring at Bryan. That look!
Because I know he gets excited about steak rubs, and when he has over 2- day stubble, he gnaws on his bottom lip, and then points his top lip down over the bottom to graze the 2-day stubble. Back and forth! It drives me mad!
We make each other laugh, have late- night couch conversations, and push one another's buttons, but at the end of the day, I get do life with my best friend, and I am blessed.

For our seven year celebration, we ended up at, drumroll please... the beach! Shocker! We started out at Corona del Mar, with high hopes of getting our base tan on, but it was socked in, and chilly, and the goose bumps were driving me mad, and when I'm cold, I'm cranky, so that wasn't working out too well! Back in the car, we continued on towards our dinner destination in Dana Point, winding through eclectic Laguna, and arriving at Salt Creek Beach. With an hour to relax before our reservation, we ventured, no, sauntered on over to The Ritz Carlton Hotel to glimpse at how "the other half live"... you know, the ones that have dogs the size of cotton swabs and push them in strollers...Gracious, what happened to the days when children sat in strollers?!

I love walking through upscale hotels for one reason alone. Decorating ideas. Specifically floral arrangements. And OH MY GOSH! The next event can't come soon enough because I am stealing, wait, no, borrowing this posh look. Sorry to the lil' lady in the lobby staring at me, while I took pictures and drooled simultaneously. Sorry to interrupt time with your fluffy, white, canine friend in your purse! Don't you know she should have a stroller to sit in! But please, indulge me!

Cylinder glass vases, filled with water. The yellows, aquas, sprayed branches, and bunched bouquets are divine!

I love the use of similar colors, various flowers, and height differentiation.

Billy balls in a simple round vase. Simply perfect!

This is my favorite~ a 4-foot, glass floor vase with a ginormous bouquet of yellow roses. Aqua wire ties the ends together and the stems rest with the buds facing out!
I know!

Once I settled down, and stopped gasping, and oohing, and ahh-ing in the lobby, we walked the remainder of the hotel, and completed our self-tour outside, viewing the grounds that overlook the beach. We reminisced about our vows, specifically "for richer, or poorer!" and joked about how nice it would be to have enough money to buy a beach cottage, and plant gobs of flowers, and paint the front door a grey-ish blue, complete with a fabulous, vintagey door-knocker, and, of course, hang an obnoxiously large birdcage somewhere, so the people walking by our beach house could see it from the street.... but Bry said something, that hours later, I am still pondering. "Even if we were rich and money wasn't an issue, we'd just be trading money issues for other issue!" Hmmm.... may be true! But at least I could hire someone the next time we paint!

So thank you for the last seven years, Bryan Pogue! Here's to many more beach destination anniversaries, and Ritz Carlton escapades! I love you, stubble and all!

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