Thanks for all the amazing feedback and excitement regarding my last post about Cindy Lane… it means the world!
So many blessings have come about with our new move, that I owe it to God’s BEST, to write Part 2.
Remember when I mentioned I’m a ‘Get ‘er done’ kinda gal?
Yes, my planning overdrive kicked in after we received the call about the Cindy Lane home. This time in the form of Pre-School…
Oh shoot, now we have to take Tanner out of his beloved Pre-School, with the five classmates/friends he consistently prays for and talks about. Where will he go?
Immediately I remembered this darling gal I had met at our church’s Blogging Team meeting.
We’d made small talk.
She’d mentioned she taught at an awesome Christian Pre-School in Costa Mesa.
She had all boys in her class.
I think I still had the school card she’d given me.
Yes, here it was!
The Director answered the phone, and I could’ve sworn we were long-lost friends.
Yes, she’d love to meet us!
Yes, she had an opening in her schedule to show us around later that day!
And yes, a little boy in Miss Megan’s class was leaving, and a spot had suddenly opened for the exact days and times we were looking for!
Of course!
God’s BEST!
Tanner and I jumped in the car, stopping at his current Pre-School to drop off the letter about his immediate departure {can a three year-old withdraw from Pre-School?}, and headed to my work.
My boss was out, so I phoned him from work, only to find he was sitting on an airplane, moments before taking off! I explained that we’d found a home, were moving that weekend {let’s not waste time}, and would it be okay to take a couple of days off to get settled? His excitement took me back! After asking where we were moving, he eagerly rattled off the nearest Target, Sprouts, grocery stores…
Time off from work to get settled in our new home. Check!
God’s BEST!
Off to check out the new Pre-School…
Meeting up with Bryan, we walked in, only to be embraced by the Director {I told you we were long-lost friends!}, and get the royal tour. We were escorted into a classroom full of students, and Tanner was able to play with the kiddos, do puzzles, overhear Bible stories being told, meet Miss Megan, note the cool plastic spiders in the toy bin, and was apparently sold before we had even been there five minutes!
They take field trips!
They had one opening in Miss Megan’s class!
The teachers are energetic, everyone is having fun, and the environment is amazing. It made me want to go back to Pre-School.
And the BEST?
Was that my Tanner, my observant, take-it-all-in fellow, who has the most compassionate heart, but didn’t necessarily inherit his mom’s instantaneous outgoing temperament, he could not stop talking about his new school.
His new friends.
The Bible stories.
The books.
And the spiders! {What? There were spiders? Ah yes, the plastic toys.}
Fabulous new Pre-School for Tanner.
God’s BEST!
And sprinkled in with the BEST, was my sister-in-law. She played with the boys for hours so that Bryan and I could take a load down to the house, without snack interruptions, baths, possible whining {what?}
And, she brought the best housewarming gift ever~ dessert!!! Chocolate, chocolate chip bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes! Two words: Danger Zone! J
Killer desserts. Check.
Yes, still God’s BEST.
And the blessings keep coming…
Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly!
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