Whenever the weather gets dry, my oldest gets the bloody nose boogies {not to be confused with
'Bad News Bears'}.
Poor thing, he wanders down the hall, his shirt shoved up his nostrils in a makeshift Kleenex, my high school memories rushing back to when the wrestlers would shove tampons up their nostrils after an unfortunate match.
It turns into a game of how fast we can de-shirt him, stop the bloody nose {he's happy at this point because he just go out of napping for a legit reason}and show him my mommy magic at getting the bloodstains off his white Grom T-shirt.
Mom, how'd you'd do that?
I'm magic, son. That's why! Don't mess!
Tanner is continually amazed at my ability to resurrect his shirts and make them new. If I'm honest, I am too, but apparently Spray-N-Wash is the Magic Eraser of laundry stain removers.
Still, don't mess!
I know my life theme song is intentionality.
Intentional time with my husband.
Playing with my boys.
Spending time in God's Word.
But don't think for a minute, I've got it dialed in.
Allow me to paint a beautiful picture of today {you already know there were bloody noses involved}
My cheerful hubby was out the door at an ungodly hour for a Sunday morning. Okay, so it was only 8:30am but the magic coffee maker hadn't poured it's black liquid into my aqua and yellow Anthropologie mug, completed with vanilla creamer, so it seemed like an ungodly hour.
I swear when I looked in the mirror, five age spots had surfaced overnight.
Ty wanted to be held the entire morning, except for the 8 seconds he was sitting in his highchair, cramming five scrambled eggs, two slices of toast, and 1 ginormous bowl of blueberries into his piehole. I'm convinced he has nightmares in which every meal is his last, and he's come to believe it.
So I had a clingy monster on me...
And Tanner was super tired from our late escapade the night before.
The night before... it had been precious!
He had taken a later afternoon nap {and the fact that he had napped, was worth celebrating.} At 3 1/2, Tanner still lays down every afternoon, and while occasionally he snoozes, more often than not, I peek in to see Woody getting demolished by Buzz, while dinosaurs and Bumblebee Bot look on, innocent bystanders!
Yesterday, had been successful Tanner Time, resulting in a nap, so it came as no surprise when the clock struck 7:00pm {bedtime}, and it was obvious the kid was not yet tired.
I saw an intentional opportunity to make a fun memory and took it.
While I got ready for bed {Bry was at the store, grabbing must-have snacks for the Superbowl game the next day} Tanner got to lay in our bed and wrap himself in our sheets.
The two of us snuggled together, his small hand holding mine, rubbing the back of my thumb, back and forth, over and over, until he fell asleep. When his little breaths became heavy, my hubby carried him to his own bed.
It was a sweet moment, mostly because I can't remember the last time he'd slept in our bed, and partly because I'm sure there won't be too many more. After all, my sweet boys will be 20 and 18 in a blink!
Fast-forward to today, with tired Tanner, clingy Ty-Ty, bloody noses, no coffee, and the humor in my desire for intentional moments, when some days, really just turn into survival hours.
And that's okay, it's life, and while it's scattered with the unknown, the ones that rest in my heart as I drift to dreamland, are watching Ty dance in his highchair {yes, he paused long enough from eating}and shimmied his little booty to Madonna's half-time show, falling asleep with Tanner, reading a love note Bry wrote me on a bedroom frame, eating homemade killer salsa, and feeling thankful that my life is, intentionally normal.
Bloody noses and all!
But don't think for a minute, I've got it dialed in.
bryan was right- I was inspired, but the fact that you are inspiring was something I already knew! Miss ya B! and the crew! and tanner time! not sure if I miss a bloody nose though :) thats all you