

Smooch! Smooch!

Heading to work, my hubby and I smooch goodbye, much to the disapproval of our boys. Giggling in the corner, we saw our almost four-year old ~ mouth puckered, pulling his crinkled eyes into red cheeks, shaking his head.

Disgusting, he laughed, then turned away.

Our one-and-half-year-old grinned, swinging his arms and cooing, "Ewwwwwww!"

Parent success!

We have officially embarrassed our boys.

But deeper, we have modeled that they have parents that are smitten with one another.
Yes, smitten.

Don't get me wrong, we exchange bitey words, and frustrated sighs with hand-in-the-air questions. We wipe one anothers tears and pray a lot, but through joys and trials, we love each other completely and confidently.

After eight years of marriage, we've experienced every smooching season imaginable. First married, we remained permanently lip-locked, separating only for work and occasional sleep.

Jobs. Mortgages. Decorating. Event Planning. Ministry. Moving.

Smooch! Smooch!

Then babies come, and kissing lessons.
Dishes pile and bills loom and parties are celebrated and work demands.

Smooch... smooch. Here and there.

In the everyday. When barbequing tri-tip and baking brownies, a neck nuzzle and flirty towel flick.

In miscommunications, and conversations of compromise that resolve with salty-tear kisses.

Hurried peck days.

Loungy, Saturday, pj-wearing slow smooches.

On family bike-rides, reaching across our beach-cruiser handlebars to grab a quick smack!

I'm resolved to smooching a lot more. It magnifies magic moments and scatters the tedious. Kissing unravels tensions I didn't know were there, softens my whirling thoughts, and grounds the greatest thing in the world~ love!

The dishes can wait, the bills can pause. Party menus will be planned, and work will be accomplished.

Here's to embarrassing the heck out of our boys! To passionately loving and kissing every day, in the everyday!

Smooch! Smooch!


  1. love this.
    and i love the pogues. you guys are the cutest! :)

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