

Heart beats and HomeFront

For those of you who know me as a friend, or maybe "know" me from reading my blog, you are seasoned to the fact that my heart beats for:

intentional conversations

 connecting with moms about this messy, joyful, parenting adventure

 teaching my kiddos about how to love Jesus

 living in community with awesome friends and family ~ life has challenges enough, why do it alone?

anything that has to do with sweets ~ preferably dipped, drizzled, or dunked in chocolate

sand. sunscreen. waves. I've got the beach obsession bad

 a fabulous vintage find 
{yes, I discovered a killer antique store before boarding the plane home from Bend, OR, and yes, my hubby ran through the airport dragging this little gem to our connecting flight, which we almost missed... stay tuned for that story another day!}

Over-arching all of my heartbeat-related passions is this goody! I'm sure you are familiar with my appreciation for this book:

Cover for Spiritual Parenting

Spiritual Parenting encourages the parents - not the church, to be the primary role in teaching our kids about Jesus. Yes! Finally!

What's even cooler is that TRU, the curriculum branched from Spiritual Parenting, is offered at churches all over the nation, and we happen to be a part of the church that did the beta-testing for the curriculum. Coincidence? Not a chance!

TRU has a monthly magazine, HomeFront, that gives parents super-practical ideas on how to talk with their kids about prayer, worship, and seeing God's Word through storytelling, as well as fun games, recipes, and traditions to do as a family.

You can read more about HomeFront here, as well as download the magazine. The Blessings piece is one of my faves!

And, what's even cooler, is that God in His perfect timing, opened doors for me to write monthly for HomeFront, a magazine my heart definitely beats for! I count it a pure blessing to encourage everyday parents like you and me in The Everyday Parent.
You can read this month's magazine and The Everyday Parent article here:

Download the Current Issue of HomeFront

I hope this resource encourages you. What I love about HomeFront are the practical ideas, the daily ways to discuss Jesus as a family~ after reading it, I feel refreshed and encouraged, instead of overwhelmed and small.

And really, isn't that what all of our hearts beat for?

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